All That You Need To Know About Making of Body Armor

From the chainmail and plate armor of medieval times to the advanced bullet-resistant vests and hard armor plates used by law enforcement and military personnel today, body armor has been an essential component of personal protection for centuries. 

Modern-day body armor is made to be both lightweight and flexible enough to allow for mobility while providing protection against bullets, shrapnel, and other threats. In this write-up, we will discuss the materials and manufacturing procedures used to manufacture contemporary body armor.

What Material is Body Armor Made of?

There are two main types of modern body armor: soft body armor and hard body armor. Every type has a distinct function and is made from different materials appropriate for that purpose.

Soft Body Armor

Law enforcement officials and security personnel generally wear soft body armor for everyday protection. It is made to be flexible, lightweight, and comfortable for extended wear. It provides protection against handgun bullets and fragmentation. Soft body armor is typically made of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) and Para-aramid fibers.

Soft Body armor

Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE)

UHMWPE is a type of polyethylene with long chains, which makes it extremely robust and long-lasting. This material is excellent at stopping bullets because it can absorb and dissipate the energy of a projectile. UHMWPE fibers are spun into threads and stitched into fabric, which is stacked to form soft body armor panels. These panels are lightweight and flexible, making them suitable for everyday use without compromising protection.

Para-Aramid Fibers

Synthetic materials with para-aramid fibers, like Kevlar, are renowned for their remarkable strength and heat resistance. Perhaps the most well-known para-aramid fiber is kevlar, which has been incorporated into body armor for many years. Kevlar fibers are stacked and woven into fabric, much like UHMWPE, to form soft armor panels. Because of the hydrogen bonds that develop between its polymer chains, Kevlar has a high tensile strength and can stop bullets by distributing their energy throughout the panel, lessening the impact.

Hard Body Armor

Designed to provide higher levels of protection, hard body armor is capable of stopping high-velocity rifle rounds and armor-piercing bullets. This type of armor is used in high-threat environments such as military warfare and tactical operations.

Hard Body armor


Alumina, or aluminum oxide is a common material used in the making of hard body armor. This type of ceramic material offers superior ballistic protection while being lightweight. High-velocity bullets can be stopped by alumina plates, which work by shattering speeding bullets upon impact and limiting their chance of passing through further. However, alumina is brittle and can crack upon impact, and that’s why it is often used in conjunction with other materials to enhance durability.

Silicon Carbide

Another common ceramic substance utilized in making hard body armor is silicon carbide. It provides effective protection against armor-piercing rounds and is even harder than alumina. High-end body armor prefers silicon carbide plates because they function better and are more expensive than alumina. Similar to alumina, silicon carbide plates are generally used with other materials to increase their overall efficacy and longevity.

Boron Carbide

Modern-day advanced body armor is also made of boron carbide, one of the hardest materials available for body armor. It provides better protection and is lighter than both silicon carbide and alumina. Due to its extreme hardness, boron carbide can successfully withstand armor-piercing bullets.

Backing Material

Ceramics are generally not used as stand-alone materials for hard armor plates. They are combined with backing materials to enhance protection and support. By absorbing projectile impact energy, these materials protect the wearer from blunt force injuries. Common backing materials are UHMWPE, Kevlar, and high-density foam.

Manufacturing Process of Body Armor

The manufacturing of body armor involves a series of procedures, from the preparation of raw materials to final product assembly. Both soft and hard body armor differ in their manufacturing process, which is detailed below.

Soft Body Armor Manufacturing 

  • Fiber Production – The manufacturing of soft body armor begins with the production of fibers like Kevlar or UHMWPE. Polyethylene is heated and spun into long chains of fibers to create UHMWPE. Using a spinneret, a chemical solution is spun into fibers for Kevlar, which is subsequently cemented.
  • Weaving – After the fiber is produced, the advanced weaving machines weave the fibers into fabric. The weave pattern is taken care of as it influences the fabric’s strength and elasticity. Common weave patterns include plain weave and basket weave.
  • Layering – The desired level of protection is obtained by cutting the woven fabric into panels and layering them. Depending on the degree of threat that the armor is intended to endure, there are different numbers of layers. In order to form a solid panel, these layers are fused together with pressure and heat.
  • Assembly – Next, the layered panels are stitched into a carrier, which is typically composed of sturdy nylon fabric. The armor panels are held in place and ensure that they cover the body’s vital parts.
  • Quality Control – To make sure body armor meets the necessary safety requirements, each final product is put through a thorough testing process. This includes ballistic testing, which involves firing a variety of projectiles at the armor to confirm its efficacy.

Hard Body Armor Manufacturing 

  • Ceramic Plate Production – There are multiple phases involved in the production of ceramic plates. Alumina, silicon carbide, and boron carbide are examples of raw ceramic materials that must first be ground into a fine powder. After being formed into plates using molds, this powder is compressed to a high temperature to create a solid plate.
  • Sintering – After the plates are shaped into their intended shape, they undergo sintering, a high-temperature heating process. The ceramic particles are fused together during this process, giving the plate more strength and hardness.
  • Coating and Bonding – To prevent damage and improve their ballistic performance, the ceramic plates are often coated with a layer of resin or another material. the ceramic plates are attached to a backing material such as UHMWPE or Kevlar to increase their endurance and lower the chance of breaking.
  • Assembly – Similar to the carriers used for soft body armor, the finished ceramic plates are also inserted into carriers. These carriers are made to comfortably and firmly hold the plates while giving the wearer more coverage.
  • Quality Control – Strict quality control procedures, such as ballistic testing and durability evaluations, are also applied to hard body armor. Every plate is put through testing to make sure it can resist the designated threat levels and function efficiently in actual operating situations.


Advances in materials science and engineering have accelerated the development and manufacturing of body armor. Today’s body armor provides more protection, comfort, and flexibility than its earlier counterparts, making it an indispensable tool for military troops, law enforcement officers, and security professionals. Whether made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, Kevlar, or sophisticated ceramics such as silicon carbide and boron carbide, modern body armor demonstrates human’s ongoing quest for safety and protection in an unpredictable world.

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