Ballistic Combat Helmets
During the last few years, Hard Shell has become the largest manufacturer of the ballistic helmet in the world. This has been possible thanks to different factors. We are highly committed to the search for the excellence in durability and the most reliable ballistic performance.
Our ballistic helmet is used by elite military units, special forces, rangers, patrol officers, tactical SWAT Teams and security personnel encounter an enormous range of threats and conditions. Our range of helmet comprises of MICH Helmet, PASGT Helmet, Special Force Helmet and Ultra Lightweight Helmets.
During the last few years, one of our strong points has always been the solid relationships that we’ve been able to build with our customers. This has always lead to a better product for our customers.
Our ballistic helmet is a comfortable combat proven headgear that protects from 9mm fire, splinters, fragments and head injuries. The ballistic helmet comes in various sizes and colors to suit the user’s requirement. The ballistic helmet has 3 or 4 point chin strap with the chin cup. It does not cause any undue comfort even after prolonged wear by an individual.
The ballistic helmet does not hinder the use of hand-held radio equipment. The design permits the use of earphones, throat mike, and headphones. Made of lightweight, thermally molded fiberglass and Kevlar® shell, the helmet incorporates a high retention harness with flexible chin cup and quick release buckle.